Citation Frequency Table


Ashwin Malshe


February 4, 2024


February 6, 2024

This is a serverless app that lets you upload your Word document and outputs a table of citations frequencies, which you can download as csv and Excel formats. A serverless app runs entirely in your browser so your uploaded file stays on your computer. It does not leave the computer. You can use it even without an Internet connection once it is fully initialized in the browser.

The downside of a serverless app is that there will be some delay to initialize it, so please be patient!

It currently works only for the Journal of Marketing and the Journal of Marketing Research citation styles. Crucially, multiple citations should be separated by a semicolon. The app will return only the citations that are in parentheses. For example it will return (Tuli and Bharadwaj 2009) but can’t return Tuli and Bharadwaj (2009) because the regex for such a task is not easy. But, I am working on it. Please email me [ashwin.malshe at] in case you have any issues.

Thank you for your patience while the app is loading.

#| standalone: true
#| viewerHeight: 750


ui = page_sidebar(
  theme = bs_theme(bootswatch = "cosmo"),
  title = "",
  sidebar = sidebar(
    fileInput("mydoc", "Upload a Word document (.docx extension)"),
    actionButton("run", "Get Frequency")
  shinycssloaders::withSpinner(dataTableOutput("tab1"), type = 5)

server = function(input, output, session) {
  output$tab1 = renderDataTable(NULL)
  observeEvent(input$run, {
    output$tab1 = renderDataTable({
      pattern_updated = "\\(((?![^\\)]*accessed)[\\w\\s,.&;-]+? \\d{4}(?:;[\\w\\s,.&;-]+? \\d{4})*?)\\)"
      texts = read_docx(isolate(input$mydoc$datapath)) |> docx_summary()
      full_text = paste(texts$text, collapse = " ")
      citations_updated = str_extract_all(full_text, pattern_updated)[[1]]
      flat_citations = unlist(str_split(citations_updated, ";"))
      flat_citations = str_replace_all(flat_citations, "e.g.,", "") |> 
      Papers = str_replace_all(flat_citations, "\\(|\\)", "")
      citation_counts_updated = table(Papers)
      sorted_citations_updated = sort(citation_counts_updated, decreasing = TRUE) 
      freq_tab = data.frame(sorted_citations_updated)
    caption = htmltools::tags$caption(style = 'caption-side: top; color:black;', 
                                      paste("Filename:", isolate(input$mydoc$name))),
    server = FALSE, # outputs entire table. Otherwise only the visible table.
    extensions = 'Buttons', 
    options = list(dom = 'Bfrtip',
                   buttons = list('copy',
                                  list(extend='csv', filename = gsub("\\.docx?\\b","", isolate(input$mydoc$name))),
                                  list(extend='excel', filename = gsub("\\.docx?\\b","", isolate(input$mydoc$name)))
    )# belongs to renderDataTable
  }) # belongs to observeEvent

shiny::shinyApp(ui, server)